Best part of my week so far...
... but then again its monday,(which sounds like 'MUNDANE,' which is another word for boring...) This was hilarious! ...but... Why'd you use Link for the gay jokes? If he's gay then why doesn't he just kill Zelda at the end of all his games and stick with Gannon? (I'm a Zelda fan.) So yeah, to anyone reading this review watch this movie and prepare for shitty voice acting.
*To Nami-Tsuki: Not ALL good games are anme style. EXAMPLES: Okami(this is traditional japanese, did I mispell that?, NOT anime,) Ratchet&Clank, The original Sonic games, God Of War, GTA, Guitar Hero, Bully, Rockband, (in case you hanen't figured it out yet I have a PS2,) Alien Homind, and Finally Burnout. MY god this is long!!!!! @_@
P.S. To anone who took the time to read this I'm sorry for wasting your valuble life, now go ahead and vote this review useless like we KNOW you want to.